Angular Tutorials

Angular Performance Optimization Techniques

Ensuring optimal performance is crucial for delivering a smooth and responsive user experience in Angular applications. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various techniques for optimizing the performance of Angular applications.

Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading Modules:

  • Implement lazy loading to load modules only when they are needed. This reduces the initial bundle size and speeds up the application’s startup.
// Example of lazy loading in Angular routing module
  path: 'lazy',
  loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule)

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation

Benefits of AOT Compilation:

  • Use Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation to pre-compile Angular templates during build time. AOT compilation improves runtime performance and reduces the size of the generated JavaScript bundles.
ng build --aot

Change Detection Strategies

OnPush Change Detection:

  • Opt for the OnPush change detection strategy in components. This strategy checks for changes only when inputs change or when events are triggered, reducing unnecessary checks.
// Example of using OnPush change detection in Angular component
  selector: 'app-my-component',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  // Other component configurations

Angular Universal for Server-Side Rendering

Server-Side Rendering (SSR):

  • Consider using Angular Universal for server-side rendering. SSR improves the initial load time and provides better performance for search engine optimization (SEO).
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine

Tree Shaking

Tree Shaking for Dead Code Elimination:

  • Leverage tree shaking to eliminate dead code and reduce the size of the final bundle.
// Example of using tree shaking in Angular
import { SomeModule } from 'some-library';

// Only import the specific module or features needed

Production Build Optimization

Production Build Commands:

  • Use Angular CLI’s production build commands to enable optimizations such as minification and compression.
ng build --prod

Optimized Bundles:

  • The production build generates optimized bundles, including minified and compressed JavaScript files.


In this tutorial, we’ve explored several techniques for optimizing the performance of Angular applications, including lazy loading, Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, change detection strategies, server-side rendering, tree shaking, and production build optimizations. By adopting these practices, you can enhance the speed and responsiveness of your Angular applications.

“Lazy Loading Angular Modules tutorial”
“Tree Shaking for Angular apps guide”
“Angular Change Detection Optimization tips”
“Webpack Bundle Analyzer for Angular”
“Angular AOT Compilation benefits”
“Performance Monitoring in Angular apps”
“Minifying CSS and JS in Angular tutorials”

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